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Y'all Ever Dream?

It’s no secret that, to quote Michael Scott, “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” I have no real reason for this except that my mom swears by the old wives’ tale that if you get your hair cut when the moon is rising it will grow faster and the first thing my dad says at the beginning of a new month is, “rabbit, rabbit, rabbit,” for good luck, obviously. So, I guess one could argue that I come by it naturally. Anyway, I am a rational human and know these mean nothing but there is a small part inside that convinces me to follow these superstitions just in case!!! Which brings me to the point of this article...dreams.

Ask anyone who knows me if I’ve ever explained any of my very bazaar, very specific dreams and you will get eye rolls probably. Because people who explain and talk about their dreams are a bit of the worst, but here I am. I’ve been known to regularly wake up at some god forsaken hour and in my half-sleep crazed state write down my dreams in the notes app only to read it in the morning and be truly concerned for my mental state. But I keep doing it. Upon morning I convince myself that my dreams mean something and are trying to tell me some important message that I must figure out. This brings me to dream interpretation, which idk who you are and how you feel about that but based on the group of folks who contribute to this site I would venture to assume...just kidding I’m not going to assume anything. You know what they say about assuming. That's neither here nor there but I do dabble with dream interpretation which I then proceed to freak myself out by convincing myself of my weird dream’s meanings. I’m working on it.

I have two resources when it comes to interpreting my dreams:

1.          12,000 Dreams Interpreted: A New Edition for the 21st Century, which is incredibly negative and somehow everything means you’re going to die some horrible way or something else terrible. So, I usually turn to my second option.

2. Now if you go to, you might think, wait it took me to a spam site. But no. That’s the site. Don’t let the blinking advertisements distract you from interpretation!

So, let’s review and interpret a few of my dreams from the last year or so and see what’s coming for me.

Dream: I was trying to teach a yoga class but the shelf that usually held yoga blocks was full of chickens. I tried to shoo the chickens away, but then two chickens sat on my neck.

Interpretation: To dream of yoga means that I’m well on my way to being spiritually enlightened. To dream of chickens may mean there are many areas of worry in my life but some might be profitable? So all together, I will be profitable because of my spiritual enlightenment, but be worried about it. Hmmm….

Dream: I was making a new dish for Bon Appétit and woke up in the middle of the night to write down the recipe in case it was genius. Here is the recipe: (only try this if you are a gourmet cook)

  1. Radishes with the tops cut off and cut circularly from the top

  2. A whipped egg laid out on the table and then rolled so it makes a big puffy egg

  3. Place egg on top of radish

  4. Put powdered sugar on top of egg

Interpretation: To dream that I am cooking suggests I desire to influence others in such a way so that they will like me or become dependant on me. Wow, seems healthy. To dream of seeing radishes signifies abundance. Because nothing says abundance like a radish. To dream of scrambled eggs (scrambled was the closest I could find to whipped/rolled...I guess they don’t have it all) represents my commitment to a set course. To dream of sugar signifies that I am denying myself the enjoyment of life. So all together, this dream is telling me that I’m committed to getting others to be dependant on me while I am denying myself enjoyment but also rolling around in abundance. 

Dream: A clown was driving me around and planning to kill me so I asked to stop at the bathroom. Then I started smashing his face with a glass jar and eventually his face shattered and turned into lava. I buried the face lava in seperate places so he couldn’t come back. (I understand if you question me as a person after this one, I do too.)

Interpretation: To dream of a clown can represent a mystery person who wants to harm me. That’s only because I am slightly frightened of clowns though. To dream of killing could mean I am trying to destroy an aspect of myself that is represented by the clown. Maybe I’m trying to kill my fears? That’s actually kind of a good one. To see lava symbolizes that I have kept violent anger inside for a long time. Idk about that. I don’t get that angry. To dream that I’m burying something suggests that I am hiding my true feelings. So all together, a mystery person is on their way to harm me as I am trying to kill my fears while I’m hiding my true violent anger. 

Well, there you have it. Dreams.