My Life in Don Quixote Sketches by Salvador Dali

My Life in Don Quixote Sketches by Salvador Dali

Books have less pictures as you get older, and I think that’s silly. Almost every other media in our diet has visuals – magazines, news articles, Almost Friday blog posts, the letters you get from your three year old niece. Yet, most books are not illustrated. Where are the illustrations? Show me the bright colors and dynamic figures!!! 

When I discovered that Salvador Dali illustrated a version of Don Quixote, I was delighted. One of my favorite books, I now get to see detailed illustrations and enjoy the characters in a new way! In fact, I think many of the images are memes of my life.

Some background that might be helpful in understanding: Don Quixote is a romantic, idealistic man who believes in old chivalrous traditions. His sidekick Sancho Panza is a risk averse realist who is often kind of a dumbass. We all have an inner Don & Sancho – we are all balancing idealism and realism in every decision we make. Let me take you through a day in my life as Don Quixote and Sancho Panza as illustrated by Salvador Dali.

Left: Me stressing about how to sound smart on

Right: Me realizing I should just have a good time with it!


Me waking up thinking I’m going to exercise before work, but then I hit snooze instead.


Me strolling into work early feeling good about the day, knowing I’m just hiding my guilt about not exercising, and snoozing 4 times instead. 


Work meetings start and I think things are going well (1). People seem interested! Instead I get thrown around like a small child, abandoning all hopes for a chill day (2).


Some productivity happens at my desk with my headphones on. I have some inner dialogue and make some decisions. This day is really turning out okay!


I sneak out of work early. Don’t tell my boss!!


I head home from work on my trusty steed (my truck). The wind in my hair.


Traffic has me feeling like.


I wake up from a nap feel lethargic. Another day gone by! What am I doing with my life? “My mom keeps asking me why I don’t have a girlfriend” I panic to myself as I heat my frozen dinner.


My roommates are home! They give me energy and encourage my realist to work together with my idealist once more! 


I’m balanced again, good perspective on life. I’m rested and energized. Let’s socialize! To a Duncan Fellows concert we go!


 I’m having a great time! I’m hanging with the homies. It’s so good to be reunited with everyone and hear about all the cool stuff my friends are doing!


Uhoh. Social overload. I thought I could do this, but I can’t! There’s so many people around, what if they think my outfit is whack? Are they all talking about my big nose behind my back?


I get home and enjoy a nice cup of lemon & ginger tea to face my demons. I realize that my insecurities don’t make a lot of sense sometimes.


I end the day feeling good, but exhausted. I’m dreaming about my next windmill – my next adventure!


As I fall asleep, I realize my realist and idealist rely on each other in different moments throughout the day. I am incomplete without one or the other.


I reach for the stars in some moments and point to the ground in others. Balance is the goal as we all continue the path forward in life. In the words of Don Quixote himself, “Banish fear, my friend, for indeed everything is going as it ought, and we have the wind astern." (Part 2, Chapter XLI)

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